Do you accept insurance for Counseling?
Nic Hardy Counseling does not accept insurance for counseling services. Nicholas Hardy, LCSW is an out-of-network service provider. Nic Hardy Counseling does accept Health Savings Account (HSA) as a form of payment.
Is there a reason why you do not accept insurance?
YES. Insurance companies require a “diagnosis” in order to reimburse for services. This means, in order for them to consider your service medically necessary, it must be labeled (i.e. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Schizophrenia, etc.). Also, insurance companies will not reimburse for certain diagnoses. As a result, you may be assigned a more severe diagnosis, which may not accurately reflect your circumstance. Secondly, this diagnosis will be a part of your medical record. Not only could this potentially be used later, it restricts confidentiality.
Last but not least, time used to bill insurance, is now reinvested into my work with clients. This often means brief, follow up sessions in-between scheduled appointments, communication through the secure, encrypted network, and more.
When is payment for counseling due, and what forms of payment are accepted?
Payment for counseling is due at the time of service. Accepted forms of payment include: VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and HSA.
How much does counseling cost?
Individual Counseling - $130/session
Couple’s Counseling - $165/session
Coaching Services - $130/session
*Extended sessions are also available at $175/individual session and $195/couple’s session
Is online counseling secure?
YES! I use HIPPA compliant software that provides bank-level encryption. Once your appointment is confirmed, you will receive a personal link that provides you access to your session at the scheduled time.
Is online Counseling effective?
YES! This is a well-researched topic that has actually been studied for years. In fact, online counseling provides additional benefits in comparison to counseling in-person. First, being in the comfort of your own home can reduce the anxiety associated with entering an office building and meeting someone new. Secondly, counseling online reduces the stress of fighting traffic, finding “somewhere close”, balancing a busy work schedule, or being derailed by unexpected events.
What if I have a Question between sessions?
Yes. Follow-up communication is sometimes needed to support your goals in counseling. When necessary, you can send messages through a secure, client portal that is HIPPA compliant.
How long are Counseling sessions?
Standard counseling sessions are 50 minutes long. Extended session (90 minutes) are also available. If you believe that this option is best for you, please let me know, and together we can devise a strategy that works for you.
What if my spouse does not want to come to counseling?
Getting an unwilling spouse to counseling can be extremely difficult, especially, if they don’t believe anything is wrong or they are cynical about therapy. Frustrating as it may be, the good news is that you can still improve the quality of your relationship by investing in your own personally growth. In my practice experience, I have witnessed this first-hand, and believe strongly that when you change, so does your relationship. So, if your relationship is in trouble, don’t wait on your spouse.
When should I seek counseling?
Before it is too late. Counseling is not just for people considering a divorce, separation, or trying a fix a major problem. No, counseling is for anyone who is trying to improve the quality of their relationship, understand their spouse better, not repeat negative generational patterns, and protect their relationship from failing. The best relationships are the ones we invest in.
What should I expect from counseling?
Most people I work with, have never gone to counseling before. This is their first-time seeking therapy. They are unsure about the process, question if counseling is for them, and nervous about talking to a stranger about personal, issues in their life. I totally understand and realize the anxiety that comes with reaching out for help. You should expect to feel a little bit of nervousness initially, but perfectly normal. However, most of everyone I work with feels 100% comfortable during their first session, and is extremely thankful they sought counseling.
How long does counseling take to work?
The “how long” questioned is always asked, and rightfully so. However, it truly depends on the individual, their goals for counseling, area of concern, and the extent of their challenges. No two people are alike, and the challenges we experience are both unique and diverse in nature. Therefore, the range varies. Several research studies estimate in the ballpark of 12 sessions, but there a lot of factors one should consider. I do not set a required amount of sessions or predict how long it will take. Instead, I only ask that you remain open-minded, embrace challenge, and commit to the process.
Will Counseling help my relationship?
Relationship counseling provides a lot of benefits that can drastically improve the quality of your relationship. For starters, relationship counseling helps you learn more about yourself, and develop greater self-awareness. Unfortunately, I hear too many people say, “that’s just who I am”. True… but, We are who we are, but largely because of our experiences, family dynamics, and psychological factors that have influenced us along the way. Some of it can change, and sometimes in embedded in our DNA. Regardless, counseling helps you understand your spouse better, develop tools to operate
What is the success rate of marriage/couples counseling?
I do not know the Exact number, but I do know it is higher than the rate of those who do not go to counseling. And, less expensive than a divorce or an unsatisfying relationship.
What is the difference between Counseling and Coaching?
While there is overlap, coaching is often focused on a specific problem, and leverages an outside perspective to help people strategize best case solutions. Counseling can offer similar benefits as well, but coaching spends less time investigating events in the past, family history, possible trauma, etc. Since I am a licensed therapist, and fundamentally believe in treating the whole person, establishing context is important with both. However, counseling is often more in-depth and provides a deep-dive into helping people understand themselves, heal emotionally, restore broken relationships, among other things.
How do I schedule a Counseling appointment?
Scheduling an appointment is simple. Simply click the link below and follow the prompts to select a therapist and a time that works with your schedule.
What happens if I miss my appointment?
If a counseling appointment is missed, without 24-hour notice, your account will be charged the full amount of your session.